List of US Stock Betas for Large-Cap Stocks
We provide stock beta estimates for nearly 100 US large-cap stocks.
Find high-beta and low-beta stocks reflecting recent conditions and stock behavior
The first beta is a long-term estimate. The second and more novel beta estimate is a time-varying beta which reflects recent market conditions and stock price behavior.We update the report below at the end of each week. Sign up to receive Update Notifications. Sort on the columns to identify high-beta and low-beta stocks.
Data updated through market close on 02/07/2025
Beta estimates are based on weekly returns over the past 250 weeks. The market return is measured using the capitalization-weighted S&P 500 index of large-cap stocks. Changes over time in the characteristics of a company which affect the way the its stock price covaries with the overall market become reflected in the time-varying beta estimates. As a result, long-term and time-varying betas can differ.We report the same stock beta data below in HTML table format, which is easier to print, ranked from low-beta to high-beta using the long-term averge beta estimate.